Sustainability is not just energy, water and renewables

The technical dimension of sustainability is essential to get right. But being ‘sustainable’ in the world, is to be doing things that can be sustained. Sounds obvious, right? We don’t think it is obvious at all.

People are at the heart of sustainable design, not ‘design product’

We love design as much as the next architect, but understanding people and helping people do what they do remains our core motivation, not form-making.

Uncertainty is the engine of risk

Risk isn’t a sexy topic, but it is fundamental. Environmental and climate risk is part of our shared reality.

Time, cost and quality can all be affected by risk in your projects. Unforeseen circumstances can negatively affect all three. We reduce risk by anticipating and managing uncertainty on your behalf.

You may be uncertain about what you need, or how to solve the problems you and your organisation confront. You may be unsure about how to achieve the results you need, or even what you are trying to achieve.

That is all ok. We help dispel this uncertainty through careful listening and interpretation, and in the process, we help manage and reduce risk on your behalf.

Rutherford Beach House

Environment shapes experience

The physical environment has a big impact on human experience. Winston Churchill said in 1941 that ‘We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us’.

Learning for children and adults is one specific kind of experience. Design is not everything, but it is everywhere in learning, and it matters a lot. Our educators need all the help they can get. Getting the learning environment right helps educators to do their job as effectively as possible.

This is equally true in housing and other building types.

Everyone deserves a safe and secure place to live

Many fundamental pillars must be in place to sustain the health of our community. Housing is one.

Housing in Australia and the United Kingdom, along with many other parts of the world, is in crisis. The problem affects home-owners, prospective home-owners and renters. In short: everyone.

Homelessness and poverty rates are skyrocketing. We can’t fix this on our own, but we can be part of the solution.

We like working with organisations that are trying to end homelessness in particular, because it CAN be ended.

Once and for all.